what is a standup meeting

11 months ago 30

A stand-up meeting is a short, daily collaboration meeting in which team members review progress from the previous day, declare intentions for the current day, and highlight any obstacles encountered or anticipated. Attendees typically participate while standing, which is intended to keep the meetings short and to-the-point. The meetings are usually timeboxed to between 5 and 15 minutes. Stand-up meetings are commonly used in agile software development processes, such as scrum or Kanban, but can be utilized in the context of any software-development methodology. The meetings are generally informal, but its important that they still have structure. Most stand-ups consist of each team member sharing three key pieces of information: what theyve completed since the last meeting, what they plan to complete before the next meeting, and what obstacles they are facing. Effective stand-up meetings are more than just team members taking turns talking about what theyre working on. They require structure and rules to make the most out of the brief team gatherings.