what is an incantation

11 months ago 21

An incantation is a magical formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or object. It can be spoken, sung, or chanted, and is often performed during ceremonial rituals or prayers. The words of an incantation are often spoken with inflection and emphasis on the words being said, and the tone and rhyme of how the words are spoken and the placement of words used in the formula may differ depending on the desired outcome of the magical effect. Incantations can be used to counter anything from witchcraft to field pests. They can also be written or recited formulas of words designed to produce a particular effect. An incantation can be a sequence of words or sentences, often obscure or mystical, which is used to call forth some kind of enchantment or a supernatural effect. Tribal elders can chant incantations around the fire.