what is chain surveying

11 months ago 18

Chain surveying is a method of surveying in which only linear measurements are taken in the field, and the rest of the work, such as plotting calculations, is done in the office. It is the simplest and oldest method of surveying, and it involves measuring distances and angles between points on the ground with a chain or tape measure. The necessary equipment for chain surveying includes a chain, tape, ranging rod, arrows, and sometimes a cross staff. The process of chain surveying involves determining corners and other significant locations, and then measuring the distance between them, taking two points at a time. The surveyor is assisted by a chainman, who helps to lay out the chain towards the ranging rod and make it perfectly straight and pointing directly at the ranging rod. The surveyor notes how many full lengths (chains) have been laid and how many links (one-hundredth parts of the chain) are in the distance being measured. The chain survey is most suitable for small plane areas with very few details, and if carefully done, it gives quite accurate results. The chain survey is named after the equipment it uses for measuring, which is the chain.