what is commercial farming class 8

11 months ago 18

Commercial farming is a type of farming in which crops and livestock are raised to sell the products on the market for profit. It is a large-scale farming method that requires a large area of land and a significant amount of capital. The main goal of commercial farming is to maximize profit margins by producing crops and farm animals for sale using the most advanced, efficient, and recent technologies. Commercial farming is different from subsistence farming, which is practiced to meet the needs of the farmer and their family.

Commercial farming can be classified into three main categories: commercial grain farming, mixed farming, and plantation agriculture. In commercial grain farming, crops such as wheat, maize, and rice are grown for sale in the market. Mixed farming involves the cultivation of crops and the rearing of animals for sale. Plantation agriculture is the cultivation of cash crops such as tea, coffee, rubber, and sugarcane on large estates.

Commercial farming has several advantages, including the ability to produce large quantities of food and raw materials for export, which can contribute to the economic growth of a country. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as the use of vast parcels of land, large amounts of water, and the potential for environmental degradation.