what is compassionate leave

11 months ago 20

Compassionate leave is a type of leave that an employee can take when they need time off work due to a sensitive or upsetting situation in their personal life. It is also known as bereavement leave, emergency leave, or time off for dependents. The following are some examples of situations that may qualify for compassionate leave:

  • Life-threatening injury or illness of a relative or dependent
  • The death of a close relative or dependent
  • Last-minute and unavoidable childcare emergencies
  • When a close friend or family member is seriously ill or seriously injured
  • If they’ve been a victim of a crime

Employers are not legally required to offer bereavement leave when a dependent dies, but they do need to give time off after the death of a dependent. The government describes compassionate leave as “paid or unpaid leave for emergency situations” and advises employees to check their contracts or handbooks for more details. The entitlement to compassionate leave varies depending on the employer and the situation, and it can be paid or unpaid. If an employee is granted compassionate leave, it is important that they keep in contact with their workplace and keep them updated on how the situation is evolving.