what is data annotation tech

11 months ago 22

Data annotation is the process of labeling data with relevant tags to make it easier for computers to understand and interpret. This data can be in the form of images, text, audio, or video, and data annotators need to label it as accurately as possible. Data annotation can be done manually by a human or automatically using advanced machine learning algorithms and tools. Annotated data is an integral part of various machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) applications, and it is one of the most time-consuming and labor-intensive parts of AI/ML projects. Data annotation is one of the top limitations of AI implementation for organizations, and tech leaders and developers need to focus on improving data annotation for their data-hungry digital solutions. Different data annotation techniques can be used depending on the specific use case, including semantic, text classification, and image and video annotation. Text classification is one of the most common data annotation techniques, such as putting tags on blog posts to group them by topic, while image and video annotation helps self-driving cars recognize objects and people along the road.