what is double eyelid surgery

11 months ago 32

Double eyelid surgery, also known as Asian blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that creates an eyelid crease resulting in a larger and more symmetric, almond-shaped eye. It is typically performed to treat monolid, a condition in which there is no natural fold in the upper eyelid between the eyelashes and the eyebrow. The procedure involves creating a crease above the eye, changing the eye to more of an "almond" shape, making the eye appear larger, and decreasing eye puffiness by removing fat around the eye. There are two main types of double eyelid surgery:

  • Full incision double eyelid surgery: During this procedure, the surgeon makes a full incision along most of the new eyelid crease and uses removable sutures to hold the eyelid in place during healing. This procedure typically works for patients with excess fat and skin that need to be removed from the upper eyelid. There may be a light scar all along the crease.

  • No incision double eyelid surgery: This is the least invasive way of performing double eyelid surgery because no incisions are required. The surgeon creates small holes in the eyelid and threads permanent sutures through the holes to create a crease. This is the most "reversible" of all of the procedures. However, the method is not as resilient as the incisional methods and may produce a double eyelid that unfolds in the future.

Double eyelid surgery is a voluntary procedure that is primarily an aesthetic procedure). It is indicated for any patient lacking a supra-tarsal crease that wishes to have a larger, more rounded eye appearance). The procedure is not synonymous with creating a "western eyelid" but rather the desire to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the eyes).