what is enuresis in adults

11 months ago 17

Enuresis in adults, also known as adult bedwetting, is the involuntary release of urine during sleep. It is a condition that is not commonly talked about, but it affects millions of Americans. There are two types of adult enuresis: primary and secondary. Primary nocturnal enuresis is a condition that starts during childhood, where night time dryness has not been achieved for longer than six months. About 2-3% of adults over 18 years of age have this type of nocturnal enuresis. Secondary nocturnal enuresis is defined as nocturnal enuresis in which night time dryness has been achieved at some point in life, but then night time wetting suddenly begins at an older age.

There are several causes of adult enuresis, including:

  • Hormonal Causes: The body produces an antidiuretic hormone at night called ADH, which slows the kidneys production of urine while you sleep. In people with enuresis, this hormone is not produced in significant enough quantities to slow the production of urine, which often leads to bedwetting. This can be a symptom of both Type I and Type II Diabetes.

  • Neurological Causes: People who suffer from enuresis can also have a smaller functional bladder capacity, meaning the amount of urine they can hold before the bladder sends a signal to the brain that its full is smaller than average. Coupled with overactive bladder or bladder instability, this can lead to bedwetting.

  • Structural Causes: Enuresis can also be a symptom of problems in the urethra, prostate, or pelvis, including urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones, enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and others.

  • Medications: Certain medications can cause bedwetting in adults, including sleeping pills, antipsychotics, and antidepressants.

  • Psychological Causes: Stress, anxiety, and other psychological factors can also contribute to adult enuresis.

Treatment for adult enuresis depends on the underlying cause. Treatment options include medication, bladder training, and lifestyle changes. It is important to see a doctor if you experience adult bedwetting, as it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.