what is happening in guatemala

11 months ago 31

Based on the search results, several events are happening in Guatemala:

  • Flash flood: Heavy rains caused a flash flood in Guatemalas capital, which swept several humble homes into a river and left at least six people dead and 12 missing.

  • Political turmoil: Guatemalas political turmoil deepens as prosecutors targeted a progressive presidential candidate who proved to be surprisingly popular. President-elect Bernardo Arévalo temporarily suspended the government transition after electoral tribunal facilities were raided. The decision came two years after Juan Francisco Sandoval fled Guatemala in the dead of night, fearing arrest.

  • Human rights challenges: Guatemala continues to face systemic and structural human rights challenges, including protecting the rights of migrants, human rights defenders, women and girls, and LGBT people. Judicial independence and corruption are also issues, with measures adopted recently by Congress, the Attorney General’s Office, and other authorities impeding accountability and threatening judicial independence. Challenges persist in searching for and identifying the disappeared during the armed conflict, mainly Indigenous Mayans. Guatemala has been receiving groups of migrants trying to reach the US that are being expelled from Mexico.

  • Landslide: At least one person was killed and 18 are missing in a landslide in Guatemala.

  • Volcano eruption: The Volcano of Fire erupted in Guatemala, causing 250 people to be evacuated.

  • Foreign interference: Guatemalas outgoing president vowed to hand over power but condemned foreign meddling at the UN General Debate. US and Brazil warned of an attempt to stop Guatemala president-elect taking power, amid fears that Guatemalan democracy is in peril.