what is jaeger

11 months ago 17

Jaeger is a software tool used to monitor and troubleshoot problems on interconnected software components called microservices. It is also called Jaeger Tracing because it follows, or traces, the path of a request through a series of microservice interactions. Developers use Jaeger to visualize the chain of events in these microservice interactions to isolate the problem when something goes wrong. Jaeger is open source software for tracing transactions between distributed services. It maps the flow of requests and data as they traverse a distributed system, helping to identify performance bottlenecks, troubleshoot errors, and improve overall application reliability. Jaeger includes several components that work together to collect, store, and visualize spans and traces. These components include Jaeger Client, Jaeger Agent, and Jaeger Collector.

It is important to note that Jaeger is not related to Jägermeister, which is a German herbal liqueur.