what is lasix for horses

11 months ago 33

Lasix, also known as furosemide, is a medication used in horse racing to prevent respiratory bleeding in horses running at high speed. This bleeding disorder is known as exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) . Lasix works by decreasing sodium absorption in the kidneys, which causes the horse to excrete more urine. This medication also interferes with calcium and magnesium transport. Lasix is also used as a diuretic that causes horses to urinate before a race and lose 20 to 30 pounds of fluid, thus increasing the ability of the horse to run faster. Lasix is a performance-enhancing drug in the racing industry, as it has been shown to improve race times and earn more money over a horses career. However, Lasix has many side effects, including dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and decreased lung capacity. Lasix is controversial in the racing industry, and some racing divisions in the United States have started to phase out its use.