what is latinx

11 months ago 29

Latinx is a neologism in American English used to refer to people of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity in the United States. The term is a gender-neutral alternative to Latino and Latina, which are gendered terms. Latinx is used to describe individuals in the United States who have Latin American roots and do not identify as either male or female, or more broadly as a gender-neutral term for such. The term was embraced enthusiastically by progressive entities with a stake in gender-neutral policies. Latinx is used as an alternative to the gender binary inherent to formulations such as Latina/o and Latin@, and is used by and for anyone of Latin-American descent who do not identify as either male or female.

The term Latinx is not widely used among the Latin American community, and many Latinos find it offensive or bothersome. According to the Pew Research Center, only 3% of respondents viewed it favorably. Some critics point to its origins among U.S. English speakers, saying it ignores the Spanish language and its gendered form. Others see Latinx as a gender- and LGBTQ-inclusive term, reflecting a broader movement within the U.S. around gender identity.

In summary, Latinx is a term used to describe individuals in the United States who have Latin American roots and do not identify as either male or female, or more broadly as a gender-neutral term for such. The term is a gender-neutral alternative to Latino and Latina, which are gendered terms. However, the term is not widely used among the Latin American community, and many Latinos find it offensive or bothersome.