what is meant by census method

11 months ago 19

The census method is a process of statistical analysis where all members of a population are analyzed. It is also known as complete enumeration or 100% enumeration or complete survey. In this method, an investigator collects data related to the problem under investigation by covering every item of the population or universe. The census method is useful when case-intensive study is required or the area is limited. It is more suitable if the population is homogeneous in nature. The results of the census method are quite reliable and accurate, and the method is less biased. However, the census method is a very expensive method of investigation, especially in case of a large population size, and needs more time and manpower for its collection, analysis, and interpretation. The census method is suitable when the size of the population is small, there are widely diverse items in the population, intensive examination of different items is required, or the investigator requires a high degree of reliability and accuracy.