what is mpn on ebay

11 months ago 23

MPN stands for Manufacturer Part Number and is one of the product identifiers used by eBay to help buyers quickly find the items they are looking for. It is a unique code that identifies a specific product and helps to match products with search queries and make product comparisons more accurate. MPNs are used when uploading products to marketplaces like eBay as well as comparison shopping engines, and they allow search engines to match products with search queries. Listings that include an items brand, MPN, and GTIN are given greater visibility in eBay search results and navigation. However, if you only have one version of an item available for sale, then including an MPN on eBay isnt necessary because its already implied that its just one version. MPN is not a "must-have" point on eBay, though there are guidelines for which product categories and brands require MPNs.