what is pantheism

11 months ago 29

Pantheism is a philosophical and religious belief that the universe and everything in it are identical to divinity and a supreme being or entity. It is the view that everything is part of an all-encompassing, immanent God, and all forms of reality may then be considered either modes of that Being or identical with it. Pantheism is characterized by deep love and reverence for the natural world insofar as it exists independently of human culture. Pantheism is a diverse family of distinct doctrines, and it should not be thought of as a single codifiable position. Pantheism is a non-theistic concept of deity, and it is a view that the Universe (in the sense of the totality of all existence) and God are identical. Pantheism is different from traditional theism, which emphasizes the separateness of God from the world, while pantheism stresses the all-embracing inclusiveness of God.