what is solo poly

11 months ago 22

Solo polyamory is a relationship style in which people have multiple intimate relationships with others but maintain an independent or single lifestyle. Solo polyamorous people do not have a primary partner and prioritize their commitment to themselves over commitments that traditionally come with a partner. They may not live with romantic partners, share finances, or have a desire to reach traditional relationship milestones such as engagement and marriage. Solo polyamorous people value their independence and enjoy spending time on their own, but are still committed to their partners. They may have multiple romantic and/or sexual relationships at the same time, and they still want to maintain an independent or "single" lifestyle. Solo polyamorous people are generally autonomous and non-hierarchical about their partnerships, treating them equally. They may live alone or with friends, flatmates, co-parents, and family, or they may live part-time with their different partners, especially if their work takes them to various locations throughout the year. Solo polyamory is not the same as being single and polyamorous, although this is a common mistake.