what is the reason for government shutdown

11 months ago 22

A government shutdown occurs when Congress fails to pass or the president refuses to sign a spending bill to fund the federal governments operations, resulting in a funding gap that can cause several government functions to be temporarily disrupted. Shutdowns tend to occur when there is a disagreement over budget allocations before the existing cycle ends. The impact of a government shutdown can be disruptive, leading to delays in processing applications for passports, small business loans, or government benefits; shuttered visitor centers and bathrooms at national parks; fewer food-safety inspections; and various inconveniences. Shutdowns can also disrupt state, territorial, and local levels of government. The exact details of which government functions stop during a shutdown is determined by the Office of Management and Budget. Government shutdowns are often resolved by Congress passing continuing resolutions, which provide short-term funding while negotiations for a long-term solution continue. Every shutdown since 1990 has been ended with a continuing resolution. The last government shutdown occurred in 2019 in part over disagreements regarding former President Donald Trump’s proposal to fund and build a wall between the US and Mexico.