what is unschooling

11 months ago 28

Unschooling is an educational philosophy that prioritizes learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. It is a form of homeschooling, where children are educated at home or places other than in a school. Unschooling teaches children based on their interests rather than according to a set curriculum. The term "unschooling" probably derives from Ivan Illichs term "deschooling," and it was popularized through John Holts newsletter Growing Without Schooling (GWS). Holt is widely regarded as the father of unschooling.

Unschooling is different from other forms of homeschooling in that the students education is not directed by a teacher and curriculum. Instead, children are allowed to direct their own learning, and parents act as facilitators rather than instructors. Unschooling is a real-world implementation of the open classroom methods promoted in the late 1960s and early 1970s, without the school, classrooms, or grades.

The unifying characteristic of unschooling is that children are allowed to direct their own learning. However, what that looks like in practice can differ drastically from one family to another. Unschooling is a unique opportunity for each family to do whatever makes sense for the growth and development of their children.

Unschooling is a style of homeschooling that allows the student’s interests and curiosities to drive the path of learning. It is often called child-led learning, as children pursue their interests independently without the teacher’s supervision. Unschooling is an environment where students get curious to learn, and parents foster an environment that stimulates natural curiosity among their children.