what makes a good friend essay

11 months ago 18

Writing an essay on what makes a good friend can be a subjective topic, but there are some common qualities that most people would agree on. Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay on what makes a good friend:

  1. Trustworthiness: A good friend should be someone you can trust and rely on. They should keep your secrets and not betray your trust.

  2. Loyalty: A good friend should be loyal and supportive, especially during difficult times. They should stand by you and have your back.

  3. Good communication: A good friend should be a good listener and communicator. They should be able to listen to your problems and offer advice when needed.

  4. Respectful: A good friend should respect your opinions and feelings, even if they dont agree with them. They should also respect your boundaries.

  5. Positive influence: A good friend should have a positive influence on your life. They should encourage you to be your best self and help you achieve your goals.

  6. Shared interests: A good friend should share some common interests with you. This can help strengthen your bond and give you things to do together.

  7. Fun to be around: A good friend should be someone you enjoy spending time with. They should make you laugh and bring joy to your life.

Remember that a good friend is someone who is there for you through thick and thin. They should be supportive, trustworthy, and respectful. A good friend should also be someone who you enjoy spending time with and who has a positive influence on your life.