what state has the most migrant farm workers

11 months ago 21

According to the Center for Migration Studies of New York, the top five states hosting the largest share of undocumented agricultural workers are:

  • California (49 percent)
  • Washington (9 percent)
  • Florida (7 percent)
  • Texas (5 percent)
  • Oregon (4 percent)

California, which hosts nearly half of the undocumented agricultural worker population, is also the largest producer of cash farm receipts in the United States, responsible for 13.7 percent of the US share in 2020.

The New American Economy Research Fund reports that in many states where agriculture is especially important, immigrants make up even larger shares of the farm workforce. In California, immigrants make up more than 80 percent of the state’s agricultural workforce. Other states like Washington State (72.6%), Florida (65.4%), and Oregon (60.7%), also have higher than average shares of immigrants in their agricultural workforce.

Therefore, California has the most migrant farm workers.