what to eat the day before a marathon

11 months ago 23

Proper nutrition is essential for marathon runners, and what you eat the day before a marathon can have a significant impact on your performance. Here are some tips from the search results:

  • Stick with what has worked for you in the past and avoid trying new foods or routines on the day of the marathon.
  • Focus on healthy carbohydrates such as rice, oatmeal, quinoa, pasta, bread, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.
  • Avoid high-fiber foods the day before if you know your stomach is sensitive. Cook your vegetables, peel your fruit or choose fruit juice, and avoid high-fiber grains and vegetables.
  • Eat to satisfaction, but don’t stuff yourself.
  • Avoid high-fat or high-protein meals the night before the race to ensure your body will be able to have your food fully digested by the next day.
  • Instead of the traditional heavy pasta dinner, try eating your main pre-race meal for lunch the day before your race. Then, try a lighter carbohydrate-rich dinner and a carbohydrate snack before bed.
  • Choose refined carbohydrates like white rice, pasta, and bread.
  • Stick with familiar foods that you know agree with your system.
  • Eat a high-carbohydrate bedtime snack, like a small bowl of oatmeal or granola.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Remember that everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Its essential to experiment with different foods and routines during your training period to find what works best for you.