what to say when terminating an employee

11 months ago 31

Terminating an employee is a difficult task that requires preparation and adherence to best practices. Here are some tips on what to say when terminating an employee:

  1. Begin the meeting by informing the employee that you are terminating their employment as of a particular date. Be direct and focused in breaking the news, so the employee realizes the decision is final and not up for negotiation.

  2. Use clear and simple language to avoid any possibility of misunderstanding. Actually using the words "terminated" or "termination" is often the best approach.

  3. If the employee has contractual obligations to the company that will continue, such as a noncompete or nondisclosure agreement, briefly review those documents with the employee. Also explain whether and how the employee will be able to continue benefits, particularly health insurance.

  4. After learning of the termination, the employee will most likely feel confused and upset. Be prepared to help the employee move forward by preparing to answer questions such as:

  • When will I receive my final paycheck?
  • What happens to my health insurance?
  • Can I collect unemployment benefits?
  • Can I get a reference letter?
  1. End the meeting on the most positive note possible. Wish the employee good luck and shake their hand. If you can honestly say something positive about the employees tenure at the company, by all means do so. And assure the employee that the contact person is available to answer any questions they may have.

  2. Stick to your decision and avoid saying anything that could open your company up to potential problems.

  3. Be prepared for the meeting by having a host of materials at the ready, such as a formal letter of termination, an FAQ document for the employee that covers common post-employment questions, and a script for what you plan to say.

Remember that every termination is unique, so make sure all information shared is necessary and accurate. Also, act as soon as possible when you decide to terminate an employee, plan where the termination conversation will take place, who needs to be present, and which materials you’ll bring with you.