what was paul cézanne art style

11 months ago 27

Paul Cézanne was a Post-Impressionist artist whose work was a precursor for Cubism and Fauvism. His compositions were usually dark in tone, and he often chose to work inside. Cézanne was highly analytical of his subjects and perceived them as different shapes that could be placed together to make an overall form. He created his works slowly, building upon each previous figure with a new outline. Using this method, it took Paul Cézanne months to finish a portrait or a still-life. Cézannes mature pictures displayed a distinctly sculptural dimension, and it was as if each item of still life, landscape, or portrait had been examined not from one but several angles, its material properties then recombined by the artist as no mere copy, but as what Cézanne called "a harmony parallel to nature." It was this aspect of Cézannes analytical, time-based practice that led the future Cubists to regard him as their true mentor. Cézannes work was modern before its time, and after his solo exhibition in 1895, many younger artists were influenced by his style of painting in a geometric fashion. Many see Paul Cézannes work as the father of Modernism, Fauvism, and Cubism.