what were the administrative reforms implemented by muhammad bin tughlaq

11 months ago 39

Muhammad bin Tughlaq implemented several administrative reforms during his reign as the Sultan of Delhi from 1325 to 1351. Some of these reforms are:

  • Revenue Reforms: He introduced an official record that had all the details of lands of the empire, which helped in the assessment of land revenue.

  • Token Currency: He introduced token currency, which was made of copper and brass, to replace the gold and silver coins. However, this policy failed due to the lack of acceptance by the people.

  • Shifting Capital: He shifted the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, which was a strategic location. However, this policy was not successful as it caused a lot of problems for the people, and the capital had to be moved back to Delhi.

  • Agricultural Loans: He withdrew all Taquavi (agricultural) loans granted by Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq.

  • Salary Hike: He raised the salary of the revenue officers.

  • Cultural Exchange: He implemented policies to revitalize regions and foster cultural exchange. However, their success varied, and the forced relocation of populations faced resistance and encountered logistical challenges.

Muhammad bin Tughlaqs administrative policies were characterized by their ambition and aimed to centralize governance, increase revenue, and extend the Sultanates control. However, many of these policies faced significant challenges and ultimately resulted in failures.