what were the teachings of vardhaman mahavir

11 months ago 29

Vardhaman Mahavir was the 24th tirthankara (supreme preacher) of Jainism. He taught that the greatness of man does not depend on his varna but on his excellent conduct. Mahavirs teachings were compiled by Indrabhuti Gautama (his chief disciple) as the Jain Agamas. Some of the key teachings of Mahavir include:

  • Ahimsa: Non-violence is the most important vow in Jainism. Mahavir taught that observance of the vows of ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truth), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity), and aparigraha (non-attachment) are necessary for spiritual liberation.

  • Triratna: Mahavir put emphasis on a pure and regulated life. For attaining spiritual liberation, he laid stress on three jewels of life known as triratna: Right Conduct, Right Belief, and Right Knowledge.

  • Simple Life: Mahavir taught to lead a simple and pure life. He taught not to steal and lead a simple life.

  • Potentiality of Man: Mahavir raised his voice against the Vedic religion. He condemned the Vedas and the Brahmins and put emphasis on the potentiality of man. The religion which he preached was known as Jainism which cast its deep impact upon Indian culture.

Mahavir preached Jainism in different parts of India. His teachings were simple and the common people could understand his teachings well.